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China’s First Synthetic Rubber R&D Center to Finish Construction

Work on Sinopecs rubber technology R&D center is under way at a plant of its subsidiaryQilu Petrochemical.

As the first synthetic rubber R&D center, the project, upon completion, is expected to lead the sci-tech innovation of domestic rubber industry and bring the level odomesticsynthetic rubber technologies to a new level, contributing to the improvement of the core competitiveness of Chinas synthetic rubber industry.

In recent years, Chinas synthetic rubber industry , suffering from overcapacity,competition from imported products and technical restraints, has shifted from a growth pattern reliant on output expansion to a new one dependent on technological innovation. Developing self-owned technologies and value-added, green products with premier quality has become the goal and orientation of Chinas synthetic rubber industry in the future.

As the largest producer of synthetic rubber, Sinopec has worked actively to bring out the synergy of its internal research institute and subsidiaries including Qilu Petrochemical, Beijing Chemical Industry Research Institute, Baling Petrochemical and Sinopec Beijing Yanshan Company to create a R&D platform featuring the development, processing and application of new synthetic rubber technologies, varieties and brands.

Upon its completion, the project, whilst equipping the company with core technologies with proprietary intellectual property rightswill provide strong technical support for Sinopec in synthetic rubber production and operation, and in the development and promotion of new products.

Currently, the R&D complex has been built and installation of equipment is under way. The building is expected to be put into use in June this year.
